In line with the country reverting to normal opening we continue to make changes to the way we do our consultations. For the duration of lockdown we have insisted on speaking to every one by phone prior to seeing them (with some exceptions- ante-natal care, immunisations and more recently driving medicals). From May 10th 2021, in line with the general opening up of the country, we have resumed routine consultations, with some limitations (elective longer well person medicals), to keep everyone safe.

While we are allowing in person routine appointments, we would still prefer people to arrive at their appointment time to reduce the number of people in the waiting room. The outside door is now open but we would respectfully ask that any patients with acute illnesses remain outside while waiting to be called (age, weather and health allowing). Please alert our reception staff if you are unwell. It is still mandatory to wear a mask at all times in the surgery. We would ask that, where possible, only the patient (or where a carer/parent is necessary the patient and one carer) attends.

Direct booking is now available for everything that is not an acute illness (for example if you or your child has a fever, cough or other possible Covid symptoms). When you request an in person appointment you will be asked a few screening questions to keep both you and our staff safe. We appreciate that some people, in particular those who have yet to be vaccinated, may continue to prefer phone or video consultations and we will facilitate that where medically safe.