Free Flu Vaccine Clinic for Over 65's and at risk adults over 18.

We are delighted to announce we are starting our flu vaccine campaign in September for people over 65 and at risk adults. You can check if you are an at risk adult on the HSE website by pressing here.

You can book your vaccine online by pressing here. We will be providing more dates as clinics book up.

Christmas Arrangements 2022

The surgery is closed from Friday 23rd December until reopening on Wednesday 28th December at 8.30. There will be normal surgery times from 28th to Friday 30th when the surgery will close for the New Year weekend after surgery on Friday afternoon. Between Christmas and New Year we are restricting appointments to acute illnesses and other urgent matters. The practice will return to normal on Tuesday 3rd January at 8.30 am. While the surgery is closed, if you have an urgent matter, please call EDoc, our out of hours service at 01 2234500.

Flu Vaccine for adults and children

We are no longer scheduling flu clinics but we still have vaccine available for adults and children. If you are in the at risk group (see previous news items for links to this) or have children 2-17 and would like a vaccine please contact the practice.

Free Nasal Flu Vaccine for children aged 2-17

We are starting our flu vaccines for children next week. This is a nasal vaccine, there are no needles involved. For further information and to book an appointment please press here

Free Flu Vaccine Clinic for Over 65's and at risk adults over 18.

We are delighted to announce we are starting our flu vaccine campaign on September 19th for people over 65 and at risk adults. You can check if you are an at risk adult on the HSE website by pressing here.

You can book your vaccine online by pressing here. We will be providing more dates as clinics book up.

Changes to Consultations on May 10th 2021 updated September 22

In line with the country reverting to normal opening we continue to make changes to the way we do our consultations. For the duration of lockdown we have insisted on speaking to every one by phone prior to seeing them (with some exceptions- ante-natal care, immunisations and more recently driving medicals). From May 10th 2021, in line with the general opening up of the country, we have resumed routine consultations, with some limitations (elective longer well person medicals), to keep everyone safe.

While we are allowing in person routine appointments, we would still prefer people to arrive at their appointment time to reduce the number of people in the waiting room. The outside door is now open but we would respectfully ask that any patients with acute illnesses remain outside while waiting to be called (age, weather and health allowing). Please alert our reception staff if you are unwell. It is still mandatory to wear a mask at all times in the surgery. We would ask that, where possible, only the patient (or where a carer/parent is necessary the patient and one carer) attends.

Direct booking is now available for everything that is not an acute illness (for example if you or your child has a fever, cough or other possible Covid symptoms). When you request an in person appointment you will be asked a few screening questions to keep both you and our staff safe. We appreciate that some people, in particular those who have yet to be vaccinated, may continue to prefer phone or video consultations and we will facilitate that where medically safe.

Shingles Vaccine

Shingles Vaccine

People 60 years of age or older should get shingles vaccine. They should get the vaccine whether or not they recall having had chickenpox, which is caused by the same virus as shingles.  This is now available in Harbour Health only by prior arrangement. This is currently not available free to medical card patients. For further details please contact the practice.

So, You’re Thinking of Becoming Pregnant? Updated Sept 22

So, You’re Thinking of Becoming Pregnant? Updated Sept 22

We at Harbour Health aim to help every woman who is considering pregnancy  to become as ‘Pregnancy Fit’ as possible prior to conceiving. We have introduced a Pre-Pregnancy Care package of 3 consultations. The aim of this care package is to identify any risk factors in you or your partner’s  history which may affect a future healthy pregnancy. We hope to apply interventions which may help to reduce the impact of those risk factors.

In the first consultation we identify any risk factors which could affect your future pregnancy. In the second consultation we do blood tests which will help establish your current health.  The third stage is for feedback on the investigations and to discuss health promotion and educational advice.

 Please tell our reception staff which stage you are at when booking your appointment to ensure you are given enough time.

Over 70's Medical Cards

The practice is delighted that our patients, aged 70 years or above, are now entitled to either a full Medical Card or a Doctor Visit Card under the state General Medical Services (GMS) scheme.

For further information online please look here.

If you are unable to register online, please do not telephone the surgery but e-mail us at

Under 6 Contract updated 9/22

GP Visit Card Under 6's

GP Visit Card Under 6's

Harbour Health are now accepting under 6 children who are living in the area on the new contract. Dr Madeleine McCarthy is the contract holder but you can see any of the doctors, including Dr Ross Kelly and Dr Annette Liston.  You can register your children at choosing the Harbour Health option for doctor or pressing here