Adolescence is a very important time in learning how to access healthcare. For the first time teenagers can see the doctor alone and parents can begin to let go. Parents often insist on being present, even when the patient is over 18, as they are afraid the young person will not adequately explain what their health problem is. We would in this practice encourage parents to give information and then leave. This will allow the young person to form a direct and trusting relationship with the treating doctor. In this way the doctor becomes their doctor and not just their parents doctor.

Student Health

Harbour Health provided healthcare to a local third level institute for over 18 years. In this time we have accumulated a lot of experience in healing with student health problems. We hope this is an advantage to our patient population. We provide a reduction to all students in the hope that they will present with the problems that are worrying them. 

sexual health

This is an important issue during adolescence. There are many questions that are difficult to ask parents or peers. We are here to help advise and help in our confidential service. We also provide a full sexual health service including screening for STIs.

Weight related problems

Anorexia and Bulimia are common problems throughout adolescence. If you as parents or adolescents think that you have a problem please make an appointment with one of the team.


Once you are sexually active you are at risk of pregnancy. In Harbour Health we provide a comprehensive contraceptive service. We are available for advice and management of any contraception related issues.

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